Friday, September 4, 2009

He Makes Me Brave!

Little man and I were playing in the play area on the second level. He was a fantastic DJ with his music table and all of a sudden I saw a HUGE SPIDER crawling up his leg.

OMG. I freaked. Heart stopped, cold sweat, the whole nine yards. I am proud to say though, that even though in most situations I would have ran screaming in the opposite direction, this time I put aside my fears and jumped up, ready to save my son from this wild beast!

I quietly - so as not to frighten my precious angel, not because I was too terrified to make a sound - ran over to him, totally prepared to get that spider off of him with my bare hands (can you imagine!?). I reached out to grab it, thinking I would really need some counseling after this experience and....

It was a thread!!!!!!

Apparently, I'm more blind than a bat without my contacts in!

BTW, remember that scene from Jurassic Park where the T Rexs learn to open doors? I think this baby T Rex is going to figure out how to open this gate soon. I've caught him studying that latch numerous times.

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