Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cute Things Adrian Does

Adrian is doing so much these days! today when I dropped Adrian off at Mrs. Feri's she told me she lets Adrian sit at the little table on the little chair with the older toddlers. Of course once in a while she'll find him standing on top one of the chairs and that almost gives her a heartattack.

Some things Adrian is doing that are heart-wrenchenly adorable...

-I say "one" and sometimes Adrian will say "two". "Three, Four and Five" sounds like jibberish but he always smiles when I count to five because "tickle tickle" comes after "five".

-He will initiate a hug (head on your shoulder) and a kiss (no longer open mouthed and full of dribble) if you're sitting down near him.

-Says "done" when he's finished with his bottle or sippy cup. He will hand the beverage container to me after he says "done".

-He'll try to use a fork and spoon. Most of the time food doesn't make it into his mouth but he gets the concept of stabbing food with a fork. Our little dining room table is pretty much shot from him stabbing it every night with a fork.

-Calls anything with four legs "gou gou" (Mandarin for dog). Most of the time children are all "babies" to him.

-Knows it's bathtime when I say "bath" and will crawl up the stairs calling out "bath bath".

-Has figured out how to come down the stairs backwards on his stomach. I think he has finally realized he needs to lift up his chin so it doesn't scrape against the stairs when he flies down them.

-He sometimes mimics when I tell him to say "Please and Thank-you" except it sounds more like "pleaaa and tu tu"....love it!

-He is finally sleeping a bit longer than 3-4 hour stretches. Zac and I feel like a million bucks on the rare occasion when he sleeps through the night....ah! sleep, it is still such luxury!

1 comment:

angelamoh said...

Those are too adorable. I can't wait to see him next weekend :)