Monday, April 20, 2009

Frying Pan Farm Park (Warning! Photo Heavy Post)

Adrian, does this look familiar?! but this duck doesn't have a temp. gauge attached.

Adrian went to Kidwell Farm at the Frying Pan Farm Park this weekend with his little friend, Ben. The farm was so great with its 2009 new births-calves, piglets, lamb and kids. Not only was Adrian finally able to see these farm animals in person but he got to pet them too. For so long they were just pictures in his books. His favorite seemed to be the bunnies. While he was petting the calf, he tried to eat his shirt. Maybe the calf wanted Adrian for a snack. Little Ben would shake the cage and say repeatedly "out", he must wanted to free the animals. I think we have a Jr. PETA on our hands. It was really neat to see a peacock with its tail fanned out, it's so rare that happens.

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