Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Adrian at 30 weeks (7 months)

We all "Cried it out"!

During Adrian's 6 months physical the pediatrician suggested the only way Adrian will sleep through the night is for us to let him cry it out when he wakes up at night. The professional mentioned infants over 6 months of age produce sugar from their kidneys which means their body doesn't need feedings overnight, assuming they have met the minimal intake for their age during the day. Zac and I are taking baby steps and decided we still should feed Adrian but put him in his crib right after feeding and let him bellow it out-all that pent up frustration. Our little man was utterly inconsliable for 3 hours the first night. tough love is very stressful and sad for mommy and daddy. I too cried it out outside his door. We used the Ferber method (going into his room and pat/comfort him in our predetermined period of time). The second night we gave Adrian a lovey, the small flannel blanket with a floppy ear dog head sewn to it (see picture. Zac pointed out to me that mutant lovey only has one eye). It was very sweet to watch him find comfort in his lovey. By the second night I think he knew we weren't giving in and picking him up. He fussed a bit and then hung out with his lovey for an hour and a half (not bad, time cut in half compared to first night). He then dozed off by himself. Last night, third night was wonderful. He woke up, we fed him, back in the crib, showed him his lovey and not a peep he fell back asleep by himself. This is all working!!!!! I'm so glad this method is helping Adrian function better during the day. We all know we're in better moods after a restful night of sleep. I can clearly see that he's a happier child in the morning when he's had a good night of Zzzzzzs.

1 comment:

angelamoh said...

Aww, he's got a blankie, just like me :) I am so glad that this is all working out for you all. Kids are smart, they will know when you can give in. It's tough love. Don't cry, mommy :(