Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mama and New Year's Eve

Up until now little man only said Da Da but today he has been saying Ma Ma and Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa all day long. Everything was Ma Ma. It's safe to say he has not made the association me = ma ma. Oh well, at least he can pronounce the mmmmmmmm sound, we're making progress!

Something funny just happened. A few neighborhood kids rang our door bell asking if we wanted to hear them carol...caroling on NYE? it cracked me up that Zac asked the kids if they knew Christmas is over. I guess the kids gave some retarded answer. Is this how teenagers make money during the winter time? summer=mowing lawns and winter=caroling. Sorry to be such a Scrooge but we would bash anyone trying to wake little man up by ringing the door bell at 10pm. ***shaking my head*** Only in Loudoun County!

That was the highlight of the Otto's NYE, yes! very pathetic but AC comes first these days. It's 10:30pm on the last day of 2008 and I'm thinking of calling it a night. Little man has been asleep for 3 hours already. I look forward to 2009...AC will be one! still such a baby though. Here's wishing you a Happy and Safe New Year's Eve!

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