Saturday, March 7, 2009

First Birthday, First Concert And Today... First Time At The Zoo

Today is the first day this year the weather was pleasant enough to be outside for the entire afternoon. Little man met animals at the National Zoo in DC. He would point at most animals and call them "Car", actually it's "Ccccccaaaarrrrrrrrrrr" with a Boston accent. That seems to be his favorite word these days. We went around making all sorts of animal noises and little man still loves to squak like a chicken. Mama tried to feed Adrian to the dinosaur fossil and daddy learned a few animal words in Chinese. Tiger showed off by running into the water to fetch his ball. Poor persistent beaver was desperately trying to harvest a tree for bark but the tree was protected by wires.

1 comment:

angelamoh said...

Finally caught up w/ the blog. Has anyone told you that you have a gift for writing :) Reading this always puts a smile on my face. Miss the little man dearly, I can't wait to see him in two weeks. I bet I will be shock of how big he's grown.