Saturday, May 23, 2009


Look what we found at Target!!!! Little man has been getting a kick out of hiding under a blanket or behind the curtain so when we saw this tent we knew he would be fond of it. When we took the rods and the other pieces out of the box he giggled like a mad man. I'm not sure if the Enginneer in him was gitty about the million pieces sprawled out on the ground or he liked the look of the tent already. Anyhow, since the tent has been assembled tonight he's been in the 90% of the time. We managed to coax him out of his tent for a short dinner break. The reading Easter frog, his favorite books and some blocks have moved in the tent too. Not only does he want to be in there but he makes sure I have to stay in there with him. I feel like a little kid again sitting in there :)

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