Monday, September 14, 2009

Growing Up!

Since your first day, dada and I talked about you all the time. Before we fall asleep we talk about the things you do. We talk about your determination. You never let anything go. If you want it, you'll get it at all costs. Mama thinks you were born with a plan to get up and go - and every day you get closer to the goal. We also talk about how smart you are, new words you've said and new connections you make. Your vocabulary at only 18 months is immense. Your intelligence has surpassed all of our expectations. You even know what "no more" is. How can an 18 month old understand the concept of no more?! Seems impossible, yet every time you finish a snack and I tell you no more you seem to be okay with it! And in the past week you've even started counting to 3 when we start counting. Its so so hard to believe it all.

I try to capture your growth and progress in all these photos and words, but there are so many changes every day, its hard to keep up with! So many things sneak up on us. When we're carrying you in our arms, when did you start holding back? When did you gain a sense of humor, laughing at the tv and at us? When did you get a temper, yelling at me "aat, aat!" (out) when I don't unbuckle you from your highchair. When did you learn where my ears are, even moving my hair out of the way to find them? When in the world did you learn all these new, random words like "digger" and "buckle"?

I hear a lot of new mamas talk about how much they miss being pregnant. How they miss having their babies so close to them and all to themselves. I can't say I have ever missed being pregnant. I was so happy the day you were born. So happy you were finally a part of our family. So happy to see my baby grow into a toddler. I loved every stage this first year (maybe not the sleep deprievation part) and was in awe of every milestone reached. And now, I can't wait to see what's next. To take you places and do things with you. To see you develop your own sense of style, your own interests and talents. I can't wait to take you shopping for clothes that you pick out, to decorate your room the way you want it, to see you on a sports team, and to build sandcastles together. I can't wait to watch you grow.

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