Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Little Man Repeats Himself Incessantly!

Speaking to little man is like speaking to Mr. Short term Memory. Do all toddlers do this? Our 10 minute car ride today consisted of him asking for Miko and Dada. I'm sure he just likes using his vocab and I'm a crappy mom for wanting to drive off the road.

Adrian: babble babble Dada?

Me: Yes, Dada will be home shortly after we arrive at home.

Adrian: Dada?

Me: Yes, Dada will be home soon.

Adrian: babble babble Mimi (aka Miko)? gets side tracked and screams out Trrrrruuuuuccckkkkk and then repeatedly yells truck truck truck truuuuccckk.

Me: what color is truck?

Adrian: babble babble Truck.....Daaaddaaaa?

Aaaaand repeat asking for Dada 1,569 times. It's hilarious!

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